What Does Don't Pass Mean In Craps

The house edge for the pass and come bets is the same, 1.41%, which means they qualify. The house edge for the don’t pass and don’t come bets is even lower, 1.36%, but the 0.05% isn’t worth worrying about. Most people prefer to root for the shooter to succeed. The other bet to think about at the craps table is the odds bet. Craps: The “Don’t Pass” Bet. Last update: September 2019. In the How to Play Craps article, we saw how to make the Pass Line and Odds bets. Those bets are all you need to know, but if you get bored with them, then you might be interested in the Don't Pass bet.

  1. Pass Don't Pass Craps System
  2. Don't Pass Line Bet

I’m writing a series of blog posts about casino games and the good and bad strategies for playing those games.

Craps is one of my favorite casino games, so I’ve been looking forward to writing this one.

And the beautiful thing about craps is that it’s a game of pure chance. The best strategy is just to choose the bets with the lowest edge for the house and have fun.

But I’ll have some things to say about some of the strategies and systems that other writers promote, too.

They’re mostly bad craps strategies.

Here’s the Only Craps Strategy You Need

When you’re dealing with an entirely random game – like craps – the only strategy that matters is choosing the bets with the lowest house edge and having fun.

The only decision you make in craps is what bet to place.

I’ll have something to say about shooters and whether they have control over the outcomes later in this post, but for now, let’s just agree that games like craps are purely chance.

In other games that are entirely random, like slot machines, you don’t even really need to decide which bet to place. It’s chosen for you before you sit down.

When playing craps for real money, you have a handful of good bets you can make, but most of the bets on the table are bad. Just skip the bad bets, and you’re all set.

The Bests Bets at the Craps Table

The best bets at the craps table are the pass line bet and the don’t pass bet.

The come and don’t come bets are also great wagers.

I always advise casino gamblers to try to limit their gambling to games where the house edge is lower than 2% — preferably 1.5% or lower.

The house edge for the pass and come bets is the same, 1.41%, which means they qualify.

The house edge for the don’t pass and don’t come bets is even lower, 1.36%, but the 0.05% isn’t worth worrying about. Most people prefer to root for the shooter to succeed.

The other bet to think about at the craps table is the odds bet. This is a bet you can only place after making one of the 4 bets I already mentioned and when the shooter has set a point.

This is one of the only bets in the casino that has no house edge. It’s a break-even bet, but it can be expensive.

It can also drive the effective house edge on the money you have in action down to almost nothing.

Here’s how that works.

How the Odds Bet Changes the House Edge for the Better

If you’re betting on the pass line and the shooter sets a point, you can expect to lose $1.41 for every $100 you bet. That’s on average and in the long run.

Craps don

If you’re playing at a casino that only allows you to place an odds bet at 1X the size of your pass line bet, you can put another $100 into action.

Your expected loss remains $1.41, though, which effectively cuts the house edge in half, from 1.41% to 0.71%.

If you’re able to bet 2X your original bet on the odds bet, you can lower that even further to 0.36%. (You have $300 in action, but your expected loss is still only $1.41.)


The more you’re able to bet on the odds bet, the lower the house edge for all the money you have in action becomes.

It’s clear why betting on the pass line and taking the most odds that you can is an effective strategy. With the odds bet, you can get the house edge in craps lower than 0.5% at least some of the time at the table, making it an even better game than blackjack.

And what’s more, you don’t have to memorize basic strategy to get the low house edge at craps.

You just need a big enough casino bankroll to make the right bets, and you need enough sense to avoid the bad bets at the table – of which there are many.

Any Strategy that Involves Placing ANY Other Bets at the Craps Table Is a BAD Craps Strategy

There’s a reason gambling experts measure bets according to their house edge. That’s because it’s the single best indicator of how good or bad a bet is.

The house edge is a statistical estimate of how much money you’ll lose as a percentage of your original bet over the long run.

If the house edge is 1.41%, the casino expects to win an average of $1.41 every time you bet $100.

If the house edge is 16.66%, the casino expects to win an average of $16.66 every time you bet $100.

Which bet looks like the better bet for the casino?

And which one looks like the better bet for the gambler?

It shouldn’t be hard to make the distinction.

Most of the bets at the craps table have a house edge of over 9%, making these bets worse than roulette, which is a notoriously bad game for the player.

Even the best of the bad bets on the craps table are inferior to the 1.41% or 1.36% you can get from the pass, don’t pass, come, and don’t come bets.

And trust me on this:

You can have PLENTY of fun sticking with the basic bets at the craps table.

Betting Systems Where You Raise and Lower the Size of Your Bets Are Bad Strategies

The classic example of this kind of betting system is the Martingale System, where you double the size of your bets after each loss. When you do this repeatedly, you eventually win back the money you’ve lost along with a profit of one unit.

The problem with a system like the Martingale is that you’ll eventually run into a big enough losing streak that it will wipe out all those small profits and then some.

Most people underestimate how quickly a bet’s size gets when doubling after every loss.

They also overestimate how likely they are to avoid long losing streaks.

If you double a $5 bet once, that’s $10.

But if you run into a losing streak of 8 bets in a row, you’re looking at having to bet $640 to make up for your losses.

Also, every roll of the dice is an independent event. The odds don’t change based on how many times you’ve won or lost in a row.

You might think the probability of losing that 8th bet is lower than the likelihood of losing the first one, but the truth is that the dice have no memory. They have the same 6 sides, no matter how many times you’ve lost in a row.

Each bet in craps is an independent event, and any betting system will assume that the odds are changing based on how many times in a row you’ve won or lost.

Money Management Strategies Don’t Hurt Anything, but They Won’t Improve Your Odds of Winning, Either

Money management strategies involve having strict gambling discipline about how much of your bankroll you’re willing to risk before quitting the game. They also require you to stop when you’ve won an arbitrary amount of money.

Money management techniques are often used in conjunction with betting systems.

Here’s an example of a money management strategy in craps:

You decide your bankroll for the session is $250, and you’re playing for $5 per roll of the dice.

Your stop-loss limit is $100, so, if your bankroll drops to $150, you must quit the craps session and go do something else.

Your win goal is $250, so once your bankroll gets up to $500, you must quit the game and go do something else.

This kind of strategy might increase your chances of walking away from the game a winner.

But that’s only because a lot of gamblers will just keep playing until they’ve lost their entire stake. They just don’t generally have a lot of sense about that sort of thing.

The Jury’s Out on Dice Setting or Dice Control

I’ve seen multiple reputable gambling writers express interest and some belief that some craps shooters can influence the probability of specific outcomes. I’m skeptical – in the extreme – but I’ll give it an appropriate amount of credence.

The idea is that you hold the dice a specific way – “setting” the dice – then throw with a minimum amount of force – just enough to hit the back wall and eliminate most of the rolling action.

A controlled shooting expert doesn’t have to be perfect. Instead, they’re trying to be like someone who’s playing darts. They improve the probability enough to change the negative expectation on a bet to a positive expectation.

For the most part, this means throwing the dice in such a way as to minimize the probability of getting a total of seven.

You can buy books and videos explaining how to get an edge at craps this way, but I can’t imagine the amount of practice and record-keeping required to have any confidence in your ability to change the odds.

Imagine if you spent 1000 hours trying to learn how to control the dice and coming up short. Maybe you just don’t have the knack for it.

That doesn’t sound like a good deal to me.

I’d rather learn to count cards in blackjack.


Those are the best and the worst of the strategies I know of for playing craps in the casino. I know plenty of people who would disagree with every recommendation I’ve made, but the math behind the game doesn’t lie.

The best strategy is to stick with the bets with the lowest house edge and have as much fun as you can.

Every game has its own jargon and gambling is no exception. Naturally, Craps has its own list of terms as well and when a game is as popular as Craps, it’s a whole new language. If you are a Craps newbie and can’t understand what Craps veterans are really saying, maybe what you really need is a comprehensive Craps glossary.

This alphabetized index of craps terms will quickly become your Craps bible because it has almost every term you can think of. So, never again will you get stuck because you didn’t know what a word meant.


Aces – A bet that two 1s will show on the next roll.

Any Craps – A one unit one roll bet the next roll will be 2, 3, 12 with the payout usually being 7 to 1.

Any Seven – A bet the next roll will show a 7. Payout is usually 4 to 1.

Apron – The area behind the pass line on the craps table. All free odd bets are placed on the apron.

Arm – Skilled dice throwers who have believably mastered dice control and can manipulate the way the game is played. Known as “an arm”.


Back Line – The Do Not Pass Line.

Bank – The stack of chips placed on the craps table by the casino.

Bar 6-6 – Is a standoff with no total wins or losses. In this situation, bets placed may be withdrawn or alternatively, carried over to the next betting roll. Sometimes it’s Bar 1-1 or Bar 1-2.

Bar 12 or 2 – A push for bets on the Don’t Pass Line and the Don’t Come.

Behind – After the Don’t Come point is established, all checks are to go into the box placed “behind” the box number.

Behind the Line – A bet placed after the come out roll, on the Free-Odds.

Big 6 – A bet that a 6 will show before a 7 on the next roll. The payout is 1 to 1.

Big 8 – A bet that an 8 will show before a 7 on the next roll. The payout is 1 to 1.

Big Red – A bet that the next roll will show a 7.

Bones – Another name for the dice.

Black – Colloquial name for a $100 casino check.

Bowl – The container tray in which the spare dice is held by the stickman.

Boxcars – A bet on the number 12.

Box Man – The casino employee who supervises the dealers at the Craps table. He is usually also responsible for counting cash and gaming checks, settlling gambling disputes and general play of the game.

Box Numbers – The numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 marked inside “boxes” on the layout are known as box or point number. The remaining numbers are known as natural numbers.

Box Up – The changing of dice for every new set.

Buffalo – A 5 unit bet on every Hard Way and number Eleven.

Buy Bet – When a 5% commission is paid to collect house advantage and to get correct odds. The bet is placed on any of the box numbers and are paid if the number shows before a seven.


C and E – A two unit and one roll bet that the next roll will show 2, 3, or 11. One unit is wagered on any Craps or “C” and the other unit is wagered on Eleven or “E”.

Change Only – When the player places cash on the craps table, the dealer or the player must call out “change only” to indicate that there is no action being taken on the cash and it will be used to converted into checks.

Checks – Chips used to play Craps. They are round, plastic tokens and used for placing bets.

Choppy – A game is described as choppy when there are a number of inconsistent passes and misses with none of the players experiencing any good runs of winning throws.

Cocked Die/Dice – When either or both dice are rolled and they land partly on the craps layout and lean partially against some other obstruction on the table. The boxman is then required to call the number on the die that would land face up if the obstruction were to be removed.

Cold Table – When shooters do not have much luck making their points or naturals.


Color Change – When a player exchanges playing chips for different denominations.

Color Up – Is applicable either when a player exchanges smaller denomination checks for larger ones; or when the player is intentionally handed larger checks as part of better customer service.

Come Bet – A bet placed after the come out roll that the dice, Payouts are on rolls of 7 or 11 and losses incurred for 2, 3 and 12.

Come Out Roll – It is the first roll when a new game is being started.

Comps – Complimentary drinks, room, food, etc provided by a casino to valuable players.

Craps – Numbers 2, 3 and 12 on the come out roll.

Crapless Craps – A type of Craps game offered at some casinos. When playing this version of craps, a roll of craps is not a loss at the come out. The number is instead marked as a point. House advantages on this game are much higher than regular versions of Craps and most experienced players tend to avoid Crapless Craps.

Crew – The collective name for all the casino employees running a Craps table.


Dealers – The casino employees in charge of a Craps table. There are usually 4 dealers for every craps game and they rotate positions. It is the dealer’s responsibility to pay out as well as place Free Odds and Lay bets.

Die In the Wood – When a die is rolled and it lands in a rack of chips.

Dime – A bet for $10.

Don’t Come Bet – When the player bets that the dice will not pass after the come out roll. Winnings are on a roll that shows 2 or 3 and losses are based on a 7 or 11. This bet can be easily removed at any time.

Don’t Pass Bet – This bet must be placed during the come out roll. Losses are on 7 and 11 with wins on 2 and 3. The role of 12 establishes a don’t pass point and once this is done, a 7 must show on the next roll for the bet to be a winner. throw of craps, or a 7 instead of the point.

Down Behind – This is usually called by the stickman, serving as a reminder to the dealer at the base that they must take losing Don’t Come bets.

Down with odds – A phrase used to describe the act of a dealer converting a player’s place bet to odds for their come bet that has traveled to a number. The place bet comes “down” after it is paid and is converted to a free odds bet for the come bet.


Easy Way – A roll of the dice with 4,6,8 and 10 and each die is different.

Edge – The advantage held by the casino over any wager made by a player.

E.T Bet – A bet that 11 or 12 will show in the next roll.


Fade – When a player meets an opposing player’s bet in a private game rather than playing against the casino.

Field – The large area on the lay out with the numbers 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Field Bet – When a bet is placed on 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. Pays twice the amount of the bet if 2 and 12 are rolled .

Free Odds Bet – A bet paid at the correct/true odds. Usually wagered with another bet that has a house edge.

Front Line – Another term for the Pass Line.



Hardway – These bets can be placed on all boxes with even numbers. It is a bet that pairs 22, 33, 44, 55 will roll (made up with 4, 6, 8 or 10) before the 7 comes out. Bets are controlled by the stickman.

Hi / Lo – Two unit bet laid on the high 12 and the low 2.

Hi-Lo-Yo – Variation of the Hi/Lo bet with bets laid on three units, 2, 11 and 12.

Hook – When a player is positioned at the crap table between the base dealer and the stickman.

Hop Bet – One roll bets and can be wagered on any combination of dice numbers for the next roll. For example, the player will say “two, three hops for a dollar”. This means they are betting the 5 will be the next roll with the dice showing 2 and 3. Hop bets are a high house advantage bet and therefore best avoided.

Horn Bet – A 4 unit bet with 1 unit each on 2, 3, 11, and 12. The payouts for this bet are 15 to 1 when a 3 or a 11 rolls and 30 to 1 when a 2 or a 12 rolls. This bet is popularly considered an amalgamation of the worst craps bets and experts advise players not to use this bet.

Horn High Bet – 5 unit bet on 2, 3, 11 and 12 and the player calls a fifth number that is high.

Horn Numbers – 2, 3, 11 and 12.

Hot Table – A table where almost all the shooters are making the point.


Inside Bet – When a bet is placed on 5, 6, 8, or 9.

Inside Numbers – 5, 6, 8, or 9.


Insurance Bet – Two or more bets made in an attempt to cover each other.



Juice – Another term for vig (vigorish). The house edge.



Lammer – A plastic disc used by the dealers to designate, different bet situations.

Lay Bet – A bet that 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 (point numbers) will only roll after a 7.

Layout – The base of a Craps table clearly marked with the various bets available to players.

Line Bet – Bet placed on the Pass or Don’t Pass Line

Long and Strong – This is said by the stickman when the dice needs to be thrown hard so it hits the back wall of the table.

Little Joe – Slang for a hard 4 (2-2)


Marker – An IOU agreement signed by a player owing credit at a casino.

Marker Puck – The plastic disc used by dealers to indicate the ‘Off’ and ‘On’ points on the Craps table.

Maximum/Minimum – The limits on the maximum or minimum amount that can be wagered on a single craps bet.

Midnight – Single roll bet on the number 12

Pass Don't Pass Craps System

Miss – The outcome of craps or the show of a 7 before the point.

Money Plays – Dealer announces it when acknowledging the cash is being used on the craps table lay out.


Natural – When there is a throw of either a 7 or an 11 on the come out roll. Also known as natural seven or natural eleven.

Nickel – Used to describe a $5 chip.

No Bet – Announced by dealer when a player’s bet is not accepted at the table either because it was too late, incorrect value, improper dice throw etc.


Odds Bet – A bet with not house advantage and is paid at its true odds. However, such a bet is usually made in conjunction with a bit that does have a house edge.

Off – When a bet is designated as inactive or not working for the next roll. Called by the dealer, usually in response to a player’s request.

On – When a bet is designated as active.

One Roll Bet – When the outcome of the bet is entirely dependent on the next roll of the dice.

Outside Numbers – 4, 5, 9 and 10.


Don't Pass Line Bet

Pass Bet – A bet that the shooter will throw the point or a natural.

Parlay – Taking the winnings from one bet and adding the winnings to a bet and betting all the money.

Pass Line – This is the most common Craps bet. A winning bet is when either a 7 or an 11 show on the come out roll. A losing bet is when a 2, 3 or 12 shows.

Past Posting – This is an illegal act where a gambler places or adds to a bet that has already won.

Payoff – The paycheck received by the player for placing a wager.

Pips – The spots on the dice.

Pit – The casino area that contains the Craps tables.

Pit Boss – The designation of the casino employee in charge of supervising and overseeing the “pit”.

Place Bet – A bet that states a place number i.e. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 will show before a 7 rolls.

Point – Any box number can be a point number and is established when the dealer places the puck on the number.

Press – Increasing a bet. The player informs a dealer that they want to “press” and the bet is usually increased by a factor of 2. The increments can be chosen at the discretion of the player.

Proposition Bet – Bets placed in the center of the craps table including both hardway and hop bets.

Purple – Slang term used to describe $500 checks.

Put Bet – Some casinos allow players to place this bet where the bet is “put” directly on a box number without worrying about going through the come. They have a high house advantage due to the flat portion of the bet never being in the come.


Quarter – Slang term for a $25 check.


Rail – The area running along the top of the perimeter of the craps table where the players place their chips.

Right Bettor – The player who bets that the dice will win or pass.

Rounding – Rounding off of the payout amount to a whole number


Seven Out – Rolling a seven before making the point. It is called by the stickman and is the end of a shooter’s turn with the dice.

Sequence Bet – A bet that is not necessarily determined by the next roll.

Shooter – The player currently rolling the dice.

Skinny Dugan – Slang term used for the number 7. According to Craps superstition, the number “7” should never be said in a game to avoid bad luck and hence slang terms should be used.

Slow Bleed – When a player loses all their money, slowly and steadily.

Snake Eyes – A slang term used for a roll of 2.

Square Pair – Slang term used for a hard eight.

Stacks – Also known as working stacks, is the stack of chips that the dealers place in front of themselves and are used to pay bets.

Stickman – The casino employee responsible for handling of the dice with a long stick.


Take the Odds – Making a Free-Odds bet as a right bettor.

Three Way Craps – Betting in multiples of` 3 with 1 unit each on the 2, 3 and 12.

Toke – A tip given to the dealer or other craps crew.

True odds – The right odds of an event happening depending on the probabilities of the dice as per the chart.



Vigorish or abbreviated as Vig – Originally a term used to refer to the percentage charged by a craps operator on bets. It is now sometimes used to refer to the House edge.


Whirl Bet – A 5 unit bet the next roll will be a 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12. Also known as the easiest way to make the 5 worst bets in the game.

Wrong Bettor – When a player bets that a dice will not pass.

Working Bet – A bet that is currently live or active and has not been called off by its player.



Yo (Yo-leven) – The slang term used for the number eleven. Since it sounds like seven, eleven is called as yo –leven or simply yo to avoid confusion.


Zuke – Casino slang for a toke or tip.