Nicola Grieco Poker

Fabrizio Cataldi could never have guessed the carnage his action would have caused when he raised to 66,000 from under the gun. Nicola Grieco three-bet from the cut-off making it 200,000 to play. Rupert Elder was the man on the button and he promptly four-bet to 345,000. The small blind folded and Luca Cavecchi suddenly shouted 'problemo!' from the big blind. He gave the table the usual Italian hand gestures and muttered a lot of words before folding what we can only assume to be a very strong hand.

  1. Nicola Grieco Pokerstars

Cataldi was the next person to speak when he asked Elder how much he had started the hand with and Elder replied, 'two million.' Cataldi put his hand over his mouth, shot a glance at Grieco and then decided to fold.

Nicola Grieco's poker tournament results and rankings. Players: 643,664 Screened events: 266,786 Latest Weekly Update: 11 Nov, 2020 Next update in 4 days. The final table was set up with Nicola Grieco as the chip leader with 7.16 million chips, followed by Viktor Katzenberger with 6.07 million. Wei Huang, Manig Loeser, and Ryan Reiss were also in contention, with Luis Medina on the short stack of 1,105,000 chips. Nicola Grieco poker tournament results, including recent cashes, lifetime winnings, WSOP and WPT stats.

Grieco had 800,000 behind and he played with a tower of blue chips worth 200,000 before eventually announcing all-in. Elder called so quickly I thought he was going to fall off his chair. Everyone dived around the table to watch the demise of the Italian and the rise to the top of the chip counts by the youngster from the UK.




Grieco was dead by the turn and Elder now has ~3,265,000 chips.

Nicola Grieco raised the button to 200,000 with and Viktor Katzenberger called in the small blind with the , as did Manig Loeser with in the big blind. The flop brought and both blinds checked, Grieco bet 275,000 and Loeser was the only caller.

The turn gave Grieco a gutshot while Loeser picked up the nut flush draw on top of his pair. Loeser checked once more and Grieco fired a second barrel worth 500,000, the call of Loeser followed.

After the river, Loeser checked and Grieco emptied the clip with a bet of 1,200,000.

Nicola grieco pokerstars

'I think you might be bluffing,' Loeser said and Grieco replied with a no.

'I think you might have ace-king,' Loeser added and tried to get some reaction from Grieco. A time bank was tossed into the middle by Loeser, followed by another one. A third time bank was invested and Loeser ended up folding. The Italian showed the bluff and exhaled deeply in relief.


Nicola Grieco Pokerstars

Shortly after, Grieco was back to his chatty self and couldn't help but needling Loeser with a 'that's poker, my friend.'