How Do Casino Slot Machines Work

In this post I explain how slot machines work in simple terms that anyone can understand. What Is a Slot Machine? Real money slot machines are the basic gambling machine at most casinos, and slot machines generate 70% to 80% of most casinos’ revenue. In some casinos, they make up even more than that. How do Slot Machines Work. Everyone who has visited a casino at least once in their life must have wondered, “How does a slot machine work?” Bright machines, usually with 3 or 5 reels and a lot of different symbols, are created to attract players, accumulate in them excitement and craving for.

Las Vegas slot machines are known by a variety of names around the world. Slot machines in Australia are generally referred to as video poker, poker machines or pokies. In Japan it is known as pachisuro. In Britain, they are usually known as Fruit machines, Bandits and AWP (Amusement with Prizes)

Traditional slot machines are coin-operated machines with three or more reels, which spin when a lever on the side of the machine is pulled.

Las Vegas slot machines which are considered modern slot machines are designed to look and feel like the old mechanical models, but they work on a completely different principle. The outcome of each pull is actually controlled by a central computer inside the machine, not by the motion of the reels.


The positions the reels will come to rest on are chosen by a Random Number Generator (RNG) contained in the machine's software. The RNG is constantly generating random numbers, at a rate of hundreds or maybe thousands per second. As soon as the lever is pulled or the 'Play' button is pressed, the most recent random number is used to determine the result. This means that the result varies depending on exactly when the game is played. A fraction of a second earlier or later, and the result would be different.

Slot machines how they work

What does all this mean, you ask? It means,
Las Vegas slot machines have one of the worst House Advantage. That means the odds are always in the slot machine's favor.
There is no reward for playing longer. Each play is an independent event with the same odds of winning or losing as every other play on that game.
Persistence doesn't pay off. The result of your previous play or series of plays doesn't determine what happens on your next play.
There is no way to tell which slots are wining machines. Slots are never 'due for a win' and they don't 'go cold' after a win.
The location of the slot machine, whether it's on the Strip, off the Strip or Downtown affects the outcome of a game.

How do casino slot machines work video

Now, here is the news you don't to hear. There is really no strategy to out smart the slot machine. However what we can show you are some wining tips on playing slot machines.

One of the questions visitors to Las Vegas ask is, where are the loose slots. Loose slots are Slot machines with above-average pay outs.

It's a fact that Las Vegas Slots differ in their payouts. Generally the odds of wining any prize on Las Vegas Slot Machines are approximately 1 in 5. However the odds to wining a top prize on a red, white and blue slot machine, for example, are only 1 in 373,248.

Some slot games pay smaller prizes more frequently and offer more bonus games (Loose Slots). Other machines pay out more often in the middle and top prize categories. It's important to mention that the chances of winning smaller prizes on slots are greater than the chances of winning top prizes.

Tips for Wining Big on Slot Machines

Use your Player's club card
Play two-coin, three reel, one payline slot machines.
Stay away from three-coin machines unless they are progressive machines.
Don't play more than one machine at a time.
Always play the maximum coins.
Always play machines that show double up symbols.
Don't play nickel slot machines. (check the house advantage here)

The Slot Expert's Guide to Winning at Slots

The Best Number of Coins to Play in Slots

Type of MachineRules and Reasons
ProgressivesPlay maximum coins.
If you play don't play maximumcoins, you're only increasing the jackpot for someone else with nochance of winning it yourself.
Straight MultipliersPlay one coin at a time.
The payback and hitfrequency are the same regardless of the number of coins you play.
Bonus MultipliersPlay one coin at a time.
The chances of hitting apayout with a bonus are so small, it's not worth the extra risk.
Buy-A-PaysPlay maximum coins.
The increase in payback andhit frequency purchased by the additional coins can turn a terriblemachine into a good one.
HybridsPlay just enough coins to activate all winningcombinations.
Extra coins are rarely worth playing in amultiplier, and hybrids are multipliers when you're in themultiplying section of the paytable.
Hidden Buy-A-PaysPlay maximum coins.
The feature activated byplaying the last coin frequently makes the last coin pay back over100%.
MultilinesPlay one coin or maximum coins.
Play maximum coinsif having winning combinations land on paylines you didn't activatebothers you, otherwise play one coin.
Multicoin/MultilinesPlay one coin each on as many lines as you like.
Play one coin on each line if having winning combinations land onpaylines you didn't activate bothers you, otherwise play one coin.If there's a Hidden Buy-A-Pay, play enough coins to activate it.

Source: John Robison -

Slots Machines House Advantage and Expected Lose

House AdvantageFor Every $100 bet, the player can expect to lose
Penny Slots8%-12%$8 - $12
Nickel Slots6%-12%$6 - $12
Quarter Slots5%-10%$5 -$10
Dollar Slots2.5%-6%$2.50 -$6

Take a different twist on the increasingly popular game of poker and play your favorite video reel games at most Las Vegas Casinos. Choose from the hottest Vegas video reel games and slot machines. You'll find all your favorites, plus progressives and video poker in a wide range of denominations. Video poker provides all the strategy of poker but at your own pace.

How Do Casino Slot Machines Work Youtube

Did you know...
The largest Las Vegas slot machine jackpot ever, was paid on a Megabucks machine at the Excalibur Hotel, for $39,713,982.25 on March 21, 2003. More Las Vegas Facts.

How Do Casino Slot Machines Work Without

Do you know ... your chances of hitting a winning combination are the same on every spin.

Outof all the casino games which are thoroughly played around the world, slot machineshappen to be one of the most famous and most widely played. But there are a lotof people who don’t have the basic understanding of the game, yet they end upplaying it just for the thrill of it. Many a times, bookmakers and othergamblers often take advantage of such ignorance and lack of knowledge. Hence,knowing in and out about how a slot machines work is majorly related to thegame. Thegame of Slots can be a lot of fun, butthey are exclusively designed for the casinos profit. Hence, having a fair ideaabout how they actually work only benefits the player, in the end. Nowadays,playing slots online has also become a fascinating hobby for many. The onlinecasino gaming is also becoming equally famous like offline casinos. Youcan play the epic ape slot at Mansion UKjust the way you can play other slot games on online forums. But before gettinginto playing this game or any other casino game for that matter, knowing howthe machine works and its intricate details must be given utmost importance,unless you are willing to lose unnecessarily.

Knowledgeabout the different types of slots, choosing the right slot games,understanding when to play and when to stop, are the few things which can turnan amateur player into a professional. Here are few things you need to know in order to understand howslot machines work andall the important information about it:

How Do Casino Slot Machines Work Together

  • Slotmachines use a random number generator– Just like a deck or cards, a roulette wheel or a pair of dice generates arandom number, the slot machine does the same. Modern slot machines usecomputers to generate random numbers. Earlier, they were mechanical which fixedthe outcome of the game.
  • Slotsdon’t get hot or cold – There is a myth aboutslot machines getting hot or cold. It truly is a myth only. Slot machines don’tget hot or cold, they can only seem to. The outcomes and results are alsorandom. Slot jackpots can never be due because it does not work on anypre-designed basis. It is a highly unpredictable game.
  • Thecasino has an edge over the player – This is thetruth not just in case of slot machines but in every other casino game outthere. The casinos get edge over the players by using large numbers andapplying mathematics. The casinos design every bet in a way which will onlyyield a lower payout than the real odds of winning.
  • Slotmachines can have three or five reels– The reel has the image which rotates in front of the machine. It has manysymbols on it. A player is able to win money when he or she can line up acombination of many symbols together. Earlier, these symbols and reels weremade of metal hoops but nowadays, they just appear on a computer screen.
How Do Casino Slot Machines Work

How Does Slot Machine Work

  • Reelstops – The reels can stopon any symbol or just on the place where there are no symbols. The manual slotmachine games gave each symbol to come up but now, due to upgraded technology,the odds of getting the desired symbols can be easily lessened.
  • Slotmachines these days have 30 ton 50 stops per reel –The universal fact about slots is that more number ofstops per reel will mean the larger chance of a jackpot. Earlier, slot machineshad only 10 stops per reel.
  • Weightingdecides how likely a stop is to be picked – Considerthere is a particular symbol in your slot machine game which comes up in onceevery 50 or 100 spins. The odds of getting three of that same symbol are1/,000,000. Both casinos and players enjoy such break even.
  • Parsheet determines the odd –Every slot machine these days is designed to have a par sheet which determinesthe weighting of each stop on the reel. This also includes the blank spaceswhere there are no symbols. Casinos keep these par sheets under their domain,so the player never really gets a clear idea about what the odds are.
  • Paybackpercentage – Paybackpercentage refers to a mathematicalprediction of how much money the machine can supposedly pay back afterunlimited number of spins. Casinos obviously have a different picture to showwhen it comes to theoretical payback percentage. But one can bank on thembecause slots are considered to be immensely profitable.

Thisinformation won’t turn you into a world-class slot machine pro but knowing howthings work behind the fancy machine would help you understand the game betterand perhaps, play with more precision.